Jul 31, 2018
50 years of hard work cannot guarantee a good retirement. Take it from Jeff Greenberg, who had walked that path before facing the reality that his retirement may not sustain his lifestyle. Before hitting retirement, he started looking into real estate. He found a niche in student housing investments and after years of...
Jul 24, 2018
Having been in the foster care system, Gena Lofton had a fear of being homeless. In her mind, the only way to elude such a circumstance was to own the land herself. Motivated by this fear, she focused on financial freedom - having sufficient passive income that covers all of her living expenses. Fast forward and she has...
Jul 17, 2018
Jul 10, 2018
Only a novice in the industry, Adam Sypniewski witnessed the benefits of a self-directed IRA in the year 2008. It was the time when investors started pulling their investments from public securities due to the economic downturn. The turn of events shed light on the industry given its leniency over asset diversification...
Jul 3, 2018
Are you the general in your business or are you on the front lines engaged in battle? To oversee 11 business entities, five non-surgical orthopedic clinics, become a multifamily investor, and launch a new daily podcast with 60 episodes per month, Dan Handford had to adjust his role to become a true general. He shares...